About Me

Hi! My name is Asbah Wasim, and I am from San Jose, CA. I am studying Cognitive Science, Data Science, and Design Innovation at UC Berkeley. Through these majors and the courses I have taken, I have learned to connect human psychology, user data, research, and design to produce engaging, inclusive, and positive experiences.

My Story
My love for design first spurred when I took Interior Design in high school. I remember learning about the elements and principles of design for the first time. Having taken the design that surrounded me for granted before this, my eyes opened up to small details that I hadn't ever noticed before. I became excited for the endless doors of opportunities that opened as a result of this. I competed at the Regionals Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Competition in February 2020, where I applied my newly acquired skills to design my client's home. There, I won first place and advanced on to win first place at the State level later in April.
When I came to UC Berkeley, I hadn't completely decided what I wanted to study. After learning about human-computer interactions in my Introduction to Cognitive Science course, my interest in human cognition and HCI began. I then continued to take more design courses, where we covered different aspects of design and learned about user experience design. I value user feedback and believe that one of the most crucial components to a website, app, or product is understanding how the user interacts with it. After all, without the user, there is no product.
My interests in research, human cognition, and design have prompted me to study Data Science, Cognitive Science, and Design Innovation at UC Berkeley. By taking courses in these fields, I have realized how they perfectly work hand in hand. Without collecting and understanding user data, it is difficult to truly understand the user and their experiences. Failing to understand the user prevents the creation of optimal design. I hope to use my skills in data science, cognitive science, and design to organize and interpret user feedback to ultimately create effective experiences.
Living in this day and age, there are numerous problems that face us today. Issues related to the environment, safety, poverty, or education are just to name a few of the conflicts that confront today's society. From the threat of global warming, to the increase in crime, to working towards more diverse and inclusive education systems, there is need for significant global change and innovation. Specifically concerned about the rise in crime, the environment, and inclusion in education, I am passionate about applying my skills in user experience design, research, and data science to design innovative experiences and solutions. In doing so, I hope to do my part as a changemaker for tomorrow's future.